Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Staying on task & summer craziness

It has been way too long since I have written. However, this comes as no surprise to me. I am the kind of person who decides to start a journal and writes in it a couple of times a year or will do good for a week or so and then fall back into my normal routine. I thought that because this was faster...I can type instead of write that I would do better but NO! Actually, I have done better because I have written about some of the major events and it occurs every couple of months. Well, I'm back to write and it has only been 2 months. :)

This summer we left Alaska and are spending it with our family in Indiana. We did this for 3 reasons. 1) My Dad died in November and we wanted to help my step-mom fix things and move out of their house. 2) We can't afford to live in Alaska during the summer on student salaries. We had the hardest time paying for rent and daycare - even when we both worked full time jobs. 3) We wanted to spend time with family and friends without the craziness of coming for a few short weeks like we did the Christmas of 2008. Weeeeeeell, things don't usually turn out the way you envision them and this summer has been no exception. We are spending time with family and friends and we have been helping my step-mom but Ian and I are also taking online classes. He is taking 6 credits worth and I am taking 10. Yeah, it hasn't been that much fun. My classes are interesting but I would much prefer to NOT take classes on my break in-between semesters. It's a sure way to get my brain leaking out of my ears. LOL! The positive things about this summer are that we have had time to really see our families and our children have gotten to spend time with them also. I got to see my baby brother graduate from high school and we get to reconnect with our church family here. My little sister just got engaged and I get to be here to celebrate with her and her man. We have taken lots of pictures and will have them to treasure for the next year when we go back home to finish our final year of school. Some of the negatives are that I got into a fight with my MIL for the first time in almost 12 years of marriage. And it is VERY difficult to split your time between family members and not have someone with their feelings hurt. That resulted in me crying from frustration and my feelings being hurt because we have tried so hard. I hardly ever cry so you can imagine how upset I was.

We have been on a journey to understand how to deal with and train our daughter on how to behave in a non confrontational and respectful manner. It seems that we may finally be on the right track after some much needed advice from other parents who have been through the same thing. It is difficult to be a parent when you don't have the tools or example from your own childhood to help.

So amid all the fun and craziness we putter along doing the daily tasks that need to be done and try to savor the experiences of this summer and spending it with those we love.

See you in a month or so ;)

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