Sunday, July 11, 2010

You gotta know when to walk away, you gotta know when to run...

At this point and time I am about ready to run as far away from my MIL's house as possible and contemplate never coming back! How can a woman who raised my wonderful husband be as domineering and controlling as she is??? How can she listen to her son and still think that we don't know what we are doing when it comes to raising our kids. She actually had the nerve to say that our kids where pretty much heathens and she is afraid that her grandkids are going to grow up and be horrible!!! That woman has crossed the line. It makes me almost ill to look at her. She is so high and mighty and telling us that we aren't doing our jobs as parents and then has the nerve to be wounded when my husband tells her how mean she can be and how she talks down to everyone.

We have been away from Alaska for about a month and a half and we are all ready to go home. The horrible thing is that we are planning on moving back to Indiana after we graduate but now I think that there is no way that I want to live that close to her. I hate to feel that way but I can't help it. I have decided to apply at Purdue and IU and see what happens. I think that 2 hours away is just close enough to make a day trip but also far enough to keep them at a safe distance. I am really starting to feel a bit mean about the whole situation so I better keep it to myself and just pray about it.

It appears that we have been here long enough to see why we moved away in the first place. Good thing that not all of our family makes us feel this way!

Also I am still having food problems. I can't quite figure it out and I am going to request an endoscopy for them to biopsy my small intestine to see if I have celiac. When I eat sugar it has been hurting my stomach and it is possible that soy is too. Life is such a bummer sometimes! I think not knowing is the worst part!!!

Oh, and on a positive note...Groban promised us a vblog this weekend! It is Sunday night so I assume it will be there when we wake up in the morning. :)

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